Mollia cinguntur tenui precordia libro,
in frondem crines, in ramos bracchia crescunt;
pes modo tam velox pigris radicibus haeret,
ora cacumen habet: remanet nitor unus in illa.
Hanc quoque Phoebus amat.
(Metamorphoses, I, 549-552)
Her tender bosom was wrapped in thin smooth bark, her slender arms
were changed to branches and her hair to leaves;
her feet but now so swift were anchored fast
in numb stiff roots, her face and head became
the crown of a green tree; all that remained
of Daphne was her shining loveliness.
And still Apollo loved her.
Il morbido petto è rinchiuso da una tenue corteccia, i capelli crescono
diventando fronde e le braccia rami d'albero; il piede finora tanto rapido
si conficca con ferme radici, come viso ha la cima dell'albero. Rimane in
lei solo lo splendore della bellezza. Ma anche così Febo la ama.